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Hubei Halotestin 50 tabs (5 mg/tab) EXPIRATION

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Ursprünglicher Preis war: € 36,00Aktueller Preis ist: € 28,00.
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Hubei Halotestin 50 tabs (5 mg/tab) EXPIRATION: Halotestin boosts Testosteron, enhances strength, and improves exercise performance.

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Verfallsdatum: 30. 11. 2024

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Fluoxymesteron - Halotestin

Halotestin, a powerful synthetic anabolic steroid, boasts impressive androgenic effects. It promotes the development of male reproductive organs and enhances secondary sexual characteristics.

Additionally, Halotestin significantly boosts protein anabolism while minimizing catabolism, helping achieve a positive nitrogen balance when caloric intake is adequate. This steroid also stimulates red blood cell production by triggering erythropoietin release from the kidneys, enhancing hemoglobin levels and oxygen transport capabilities.

Renowned for its potency, Halotestin is rapidly gaining favor among athletes. With fast-acting benefits, no conversion to estrogen, and notable gains in exercise performance, it is a top choice for many bodybuilders. Its reputation for increasing aggression and strength has solidified its prominence among fitness enthusiasts.


Halotestin is prescribed for conditions associated with testosterone deficiency, such as:

  • primärer Hypogonadismus
  • Orchitis
  • post-orchidectomy recovery
  • Hirntumore
  • verzögerte Pubertät
  • In females, it is also effective for:
  • treatment of androgen-responsive conditions
  • rezidivierende Mammakarzinome
  • hormonal-sensitive breast cancer


The Halotestin dosage varies based on individual health needs, typically ranging from 5-20 mg/day in divided doses. The general guideline is to initiate with a higher dose, tapering down as response allows. Divided doses help maintain elevated blood levels over a 24-hour period, with most patients on Halotestin for 1-6 months. Available in tablet form of 2, 5, or 10 mg.


As with all androgenic steroids, Halotestin can cause side effects, though not everyone experiences them. Risks increase with prolonged use. Side effects include:
For Females

  • Menstruationsunregelmäßigkeiten
  • Vertiefung der Stimme
  • Klitorisvergrößerung
  • übermäßiger Haarwuchs
  • note: clitoral enlargement may not reverse post-treatment

For Males

  • Gynäkomastie
  • Kahlheit
  • Akne
  • fettige Haut
  • Wasserrückhalt
  • nausea and vomiting
  • Gelbsucht
  • Leberkrebs (selten)
  • verminderte Libido
  • Kopfschmerzen
  • mood swings: anxiety, aggression, depression
  • allergische Reaktionen


Use Halotestin with caution in patients with breast cancer due to potential hypercalcemia risks. Long-term usage may increase the chance of liver cancer. In pediatric patients, it can accelerate bone development without proportional linear growth, potentially leading to distorted physical features.


Halotestin is contraindicated in individuals with:

  • allergy to steroids
  • männlicher Brustkrebs
  • Prostatakrebs
  • pregnant individuals
  • bodybuilders (abuse potential)

Bodybuilders often exceed standard medical dosages, commonly taking 20-30 mg/day in 2-4 divided doses, with some using up to 40 mg/day. To mitigate stomach cramps, take with food and plenty of water. Many combine Halotestin with other anabolic steroids like Winstrol, Anavarund Anadrol or injectable testosterone preparations for enhanced effects.
Users often report noticeable weight gain within 3-4 weeks, along with improved exercise performance. However, weight gain may diminish after discontinuation. Some opt for a low-dose Clomid cycle for 2-3 weeks to help maintain gains.
Typically, Halotestin usage is limited to a few weeks, unlike other anabolic steroids; however, it possesses significant side effects limiting long-term application. The medication is taken orally, rapidly absorbed, with a half-life of about 9 hours, detectable for 4-6 days post-use.


Halotestin is generally hard to find on the black market; however, numerous products from French, Greek, and Italian manufacturers exist. Prices can start at a dollar or more per 5/10 mg tablet. The rising demand has produced a surge of counterfeit products, especially from the Far East. Always procure Halotestin from trustworthy dealers.


Following a single dosage, Halotestin remains detectable in urine for 4-6 days, though advanced testing can identify its metabolites for up to 45-60 days after the last intake. It is advisable to use Halotestin in preseason due to lower testing chances.


Under the Anabolic Steroids Control Act, Halotestin is categorized as a Schedule 3 substance, making it illegal to possess without a physician’s prescription.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Aktiver Inhaltsstoff






5 - 30 mg pro Tag

Größe der Verpackung

50 tabs


9,5 Stunden



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