Genesis Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Injection 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)

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Genesis Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Injection 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml): Nandroloni for muscle gain and performance enhancement.

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Nandroloni fenyylipropionaatti

Nandrolone_Phenylpropionate is a potent injectable anabolic steroid that provides effects similar to Deca-Durabolin, which contains the slower-acting nandrolone_decanoate. The key distinction lies in the release speed of nandrolone into the bloodstream; while nandrolone decanoate maintains active levels for about three weeks, nandrolone phenylpropionate lasts roughly one week. Consequently, Deca-Durabolin can be injected biweekly, whereas Durabolin typically requires administration every few days to once weekly. Both steroids are largely interchangeable and are prized by athletes and bodybuilders for promoting strength and lean muscle mass without significant estrogenic or androgenic side effects.

Rakenteelliset ominaisuudet

Nandrolone_decanoate is a modified nandrolone form with a propionic phenyl ester attached to the 17-beta hydroxyl group. Esterified steroids like this one are less polar and are absorbed slowly, allowing for prolonged effects post-administration. After injection, the ester dissipates to release free nandrolone, creating a rapid spike in blood levels within 24-48 hours and returning to baseline within a week.

Haittavaikutukset (estrogeeniset)

Nandrolone exhibits low estrogen conversion, approximately 20% of testosterone levels. Though nandrolone can convert to estradiol, it is less susceptible to aromatization in tissues such as fat. Higher doses may increase estrogen-related side effects, including water retention, body fat gain, and gynecomastia. Utilizing anti-estrogens like clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen citrate, or aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex (anastrozole) can mitigate these effects. While aromatase inhibitors effectively manage estrogen synthesis, they tend to be costlier and may negatively impact blood lipid levels.

Nandrolone also demonstrates progestin activity, with potential side effects mirroring those of estrogen, such as negative feedback on testosterone production and increased fat storage. This synergy may lead to gynecomastia, even without elevated estrogen levels. Implementing anti-estrogens can sufficiently counteract these issues when using nandrolone.

Haittavaikutukset (androgeeniset)

Although nandrolone is classified as anabolic, androgenic side effects can occur, particularly at higher doses. Symptoms may include oily skin, acne, and increased body or facial hair. Anabolic/androgenic steroids can exacerbate male pattern hair loss. Women face risks of virilization, including voice deepening, menstrual changes, altered skin texture, facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement. Nandrolone exhibits lower androgenic activity relative to its anabolic properties; hence, significant androgenic side effects generally require higher doses compared to testosterone or methandrostenolone. Additionally, nandrolone’s mild androgenicity can reduce libido in men when not complemented with an additional androgen.

Within androgen-sensitive areas such as the scalp and prostate, nandrolone’s androgenic effects may be diminished by its conversion to dihydronandrolone (DHN) via the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. Combining nandrolone with a reductase inhibitor like finasteride can disrupt this conversion, heightening the risk of androgenic side effects.

Haittavaikutukset (hepatotoksisuus)

Nandrolone is not c-17 alpha alkylated and is generally not associated with hepatotoxic effects in healthy individuals, indicating a low likelihood of liver toxicity.

Haittavaikutukset (sydän- ja verisuonitauti)

Anabolic/androgenic steroids can adversely affect cholesterol levels, decreasing HDL (good) cholesterol and raising LDL (bad) cholesterol, thereby increasing the risk of arteriosclerosis. Various factors, including dosage, administration route (oral vs. injectable), and steroid type, impact serum lipid levels. Notably, 10-week studies with 600mg nandrolone decanoate weekly report a 26% decrease in HDL, which is more pronounced than similar doses of testosterone enanthate. While nandrolone decanoate has milder effects than c-17 alpha alkylated steroids, it can still negatively influence blood pressure and triglyceride levels, reducing endothelial relaxation and promoting left ventricular hypertrophy, all of which may elevate cardiovascular disease risk.

Haittavaikutukset (testosteronin tukahduttaminen)

All anabolic/androgenic steroids can suppress endogenous testosterone production when dosed for muscle gain. Studies reveal that 100mg of nandrolone decanoate weekly for six weeks results in approximately a 57% decrease in serum testosterone, escalating to 70% at 300mg per week. Nandrolone’s progestational action significantly contributes to testosterone synthesis suppression, which can persist despite low estrogen conversion. Typically, testosterone levels normalize within 2 to 6 months post-use, but steroid abuse may induce prolonged hypogonadotropic hypogonadism requiring medical attention.

Hallinto (miehet)

For general anabolic benefits, initial guidelines suggest doses from 25 to 50mg weekly for up to 12 weeks. More common doses for performance enhancement range from 200 to 400mg weekly, administered over 8 to 12-week cycles. Due to the rapid action of the phenylpropionate ester, users often split the dose into two applications each week.

Administration (Women)

For general anabolic effects, women may follow early prescribing guidance of 25 to 50mg weekly for 12 weeks. Performance-enhancing dosages typically settle around 50mg weekly delivered in one injection, over cycles of 4 to 6 weeks. Caution is advised when considering higher doses or extended use due to potential androgenic effects. Despite lower androgenicity, women may experience virilization symptoms; immediate discontinuation of nandrolone phenylpropionate is recommended to prevent permanent changes.

Pakkauksen koko

10 ml









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Nandroloni fenyylipropionaatti


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Toimitus & toimitus

1. EU-maat (2 kohdassa lueteltujen maiden ulkopuolella).

Tilauksen kokonaisarvo 0-29 €

  • Pieni tilausmaksu = 10 €
  • Suositeltu kirje (EU-maat) = 9 €
  • Pikatoimitus (EU-maat) = 25 €
  • Pikatoimitus vakuutuksella = 25 + 10% tilauksen kokonaisarvosta

Tilauksen kokonaisarvo 30-199

  • Suositeltu kirje (EU-maat) = 9 €
  • Pikatoimitus (EU-maat) = 25 €
  • Pikatoimitus vakuutuksella = 25 + 10% tilauksen kokonaisarvosta

Tilauksen kokonaisarvo 200-399

  • Suositeltu kirje (EU-maat) = 4 €
  • Pikatoimitus (EU-maat) = 19 €
  • Pikatoimitus vakuutuksella = 19 + 10% tilauksen kokonaisarvosta

Tilauksen kokonaisarvo yli 400

  • Pikatoimitus (EU-maat) = ILMAISEKSI
  • Pikatoimitus vakuutuksella = ILMAISEKSI + 10% tilauksen kokonaisarvosta

2. Muut Euroopan maat + Muut maailman maat

Armenia, Andorra, Valko-Venäjä, Suomi, Monaco, San Marino, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta (UK), Ruotsi, Sveitsi, Vatikaanivaltio + muut maailman maat (riskimaiden ulkopuolella).

Tilauksen kokonaisarvo 0-29

  • Pieni tilausmaksu = 10 €
  • Kirje (maailmanlaajuisesti) = 9 €

Tilauksen kokonaisarvo 30-199

  • Kirje (maailmanlaajuisesti) = 9 €

Tilauksen kokonaisarvo yli 200

  • Kirje (maailmanlaajuisesti) = 4 €

Emme toimita näihin korkean riskin maihin.

Australia, Kanada, Tšekin tasavalta, Norja, Puola, Slovakia, Sveitsi, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, Yhdysvallat (mukaan lukien kaikki assosioituneet maat).

Täydelliset tiedot löytyvät osoitteesta Toimitus & toimitus sivu.
