Magnus Pharmaceuticals Clenbuterol 100 tabs (0,04 mg/tab)

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Magnus Pharmaceuticals Clenbuterol 100 tabs (0.04 mg/tab) – Premium Fat Loss & Muscle GainClenbuterolo is a powerful thermogenic for enhancing weight loss and lean muscle growth. Boost your fitness journey with this effective supplement!

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Clenbuterol is a powerful and long-acting bronchodilator primarily used in certain European countries for asthma and respiratory conditions. Its thermogenic properties enable it to reduce fat while promoting lean muscle gain, contributing to its misuse among fitness enthusiasts and athletes. Due to its selective partitioning effects, both amateur and professional athletes globally are attracted to this compound.

Despite its benefits, Clenbuterol poses significant health risks, particularly regarding cardiac and central nervous system adverse effects.

This beta 2-adrenergic agonist acts by relaxing smooth muscle, making it beneficial in treating asthma by easing bronchial obstructions. It supports easier breathing by opening nasal passages and dilating bronchi. Clenbuterol’s influence on the central nervous system results in heightened alertness and increased heart rate, similar in action to ephedrine o amphetamine, but with a longer duration of effect.

Therapeutically, Clenbuterol aids in managing asthma and is noted for its role in preventing premature labor contractions. Nonetheless, side effects can include muscle tremors, sweating, anxiety, and hyperactivity.


The standard daily dosage of Clenbuterol ranges from 40 to 160 micrograms, with anything beyond 100 micrograms potentially leading to adverse effects. Upon ingestion, Clenbuterol is quickly absorbed and has a duration of 1-2 days in the body, facilitating prolonged side effects.


In various European countries, Clenbuterol is prescribed for asthma treatment, available in tablet or syrup form, with a maximum dosage of 100 µg per day. Conversely, in the U.S., Clenbuterol lacks FDA approval for human use but is permitted in veterinary medicine, particularly for treating horses with airway obstructions. Despite legal restrictions, its use continues illicitly in the agricultural sector to enhance the growth of livestock, particularly pigs.

Uso fuori etichetta

Clenbuterol attracts a specific demographic rather than typical drug users; primarily athletes and those focused on weight loss. Contrary to popular belief, women also frequently misuse Clenbuterol, as it has no masculinizing effects, making it appealing to female athletes. Its rampant use has led to numerous athletes testing positive and facing penalties. Many people mistakenly regard Clenbuterol as the ultimate weight loss solution, although reports of efficacy lack scientific backing.

Uso negli animali

The illicit use of Clenbuterol extends to the agricultural industry, where it is often administered to livestock to boost muscle mass, inadvertently increasing the risk of human food contamination. A notorious incident in Europe involved pork tainted with Clenbuterol, causing significant health issues among consumers, which prompted increased regulatory scrutiny from the FDA and USDA on livestock in affected regions.

Effetti collaterali

While some sports medicine experts assert that Clenbuterol is relatively safe for healthy individuals, those with pre-existing heart conditions should avoid it due to potential adverse reactions like blood pressure drops, anxiety, and sweating. Severe cases may require hospitalization, and the drug has been linked to mood disturbances and even fatalities.


Clenbuterol is not acutely dangerous; when used responsibly in low doses, it can be safe. However, users may develop tolerance, necessitating a cycling approach—two weeks on, followed by two weeks off—to mitigate side effects and complications.


Clenbuterol is commonly found in health stores as a supplement, available in pill, syrup, or injectable forms. It is frequently smuggled from Mexico and Europe, where it is legally prescribed for asthma under names like Brogen. Law enforcement, including the DEA, regularly seizes Clenbuterol due to its association with performance enhancement, particularly in sports venues. Prices can range significantly, up to $125 for 100 pills (40 µg) online.

Test del clenbuterolo

Clenbuterol is detectable in urine shortly after consumption and can persist in an individual’s system for days; some studies suggest residual traces may linger in the liver and other tissues for months.

Legal Status

In the U.S., Clenbuterol is not prescribed but is widely marketed as a weight loss supplement in retail spaces. It remains prohibited in competitive sports, resulting in bans and penalties for athletes found using it.

Informazioni aggiuntive
Dimensione della confezione

100 tabs









0,02 -0,16 mg al giorno

Principio attivo

Clenbuterolo cloridrato


1,5 giorni

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Magnus Pharmaceuticals Clenbuterol 100 tabs (0,04 mg/tab) Magnus Pharmaceuticals Clenbuterol 100 tabs (0,04 mg/tab)
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  • Lettera raccomandata (paesi UE) = 9 €
  • Consegna espressa (paesi UE) = 25 €
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Valore totale dell'ordine da 30 a 199

  • Lettera raccomandata (paesi UE) = 9 €
  • Consegna espressa (paesi UE) = 25 €
  • Consegna espressa con assicurazione = 25 + 10% del valore totale dell'ordine

Valore totale dell'ordine da 200 a 399

  • Lettera raccomandata (paesi UE) = 4 €
  • Consegna espressa (paesi UE) = 19 €
  • Consegna espressa con assicurazione = 19 + 10% del valore totale dell'ordine

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  • Lettera (in tutto il mondo) = 9 €

Valore totale dell'ordine da 30 a 199

  • Lettera (in tutto il mondo) = 9 €

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