Balkan Pharmaceuticals Oxandrolon 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)

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Balkan Pharmaceuticals Oxandrolon 100 tabs (10 mg/tab): Top anabolic steroid for 체중 증가 without estrogen conversion. Safe for athletes and bodybuilders!

57 Items sold in last 2 weeks

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수량 할인

수량(개) 가격(개당)
1 - 2  75,00
3 - 5  71,25
6 - 9  69,00
10 - 19  66,00
20+  63,00
83 지금 이 제품을 시청하는 사람들!


아나바 is a gentle yet effective anabolic steroid, highly favored by athletes and bodybuilders for its ability to promote weight gain.

This drug enjoys popularity among athletes because it does not convert to estrogen, minimizing the risk of 여성형 유방증. Users also report considerably less water retention.

First introduced in North America nearly 50 years ago, 아나바 was originally prescribed for treating various 불임 disorders, anemias, and patients with severe wasting conditions. Although its clinical use has diminished, it offers significant advantages over other 단백 동화 스테로이드. Notably, it avoids estrogen conversion and maintains the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis at low doses, preventing common side effects such as loss of libido and testicular atrophy.


옥산드롤론 showcases both anabolic and androgenic properties. While at low doses it exhibits selective anabolic effects akin to testosterone, higher doses may induce potent androgenic activity. High doses can suppress gonadotropin release via the hypothalamus, decreasing testosterone synthesis and affecting cholesterol levels. Importantly, 아나바 remains unconverted to estrogen at low doses.


Currently, 아나바 holds limited clinical application. Previously used for treating anemias and weight loss in HIV patients, production ceased in 1989 due to abuse concerns. Now marketed as Oxandrin by Savient Pharmaceutical, it is occasionally prescribed for patients recovering from trauma or serious infections, often alongside corticosteroids.


The prescribed adult dose for anemia or weight gain ranges from 2.5 to 20 mg per day, divided into 2-4 doses. Responses vary, with some individuals requiring doses as high as 30-150 mg/day. Treatment duration typically spans 3-6 weeks, with gradual dose escalation if needed. Oxandrin is available in 2.5 mg and 10 mg tablets.

Side effects may occur with 옥산드롤론, particularly at higher doses, including:

Most side effects can be reversed after discontinuation of the drug.

금기 사항

옥산드롤론 is contraindicated in patients with:


Bodybuilders commonly utilize 아나바, as it’s well-tolerated when taken with meals. Typical dosing is one tablet twice a day for men, while women require only one tablet daily. Most bodybuilders commence with lower doses and often stack Dianabol, Winstrol, or Anadriol to amplify results. Treatment typically lasts between 4-8 weeks, starting at around 5 mg per day, gradually increasing over 2-3 weeks.

Favored by women for its minimal virilizing effects, dosages exceeding 5 mg daily or prolonged use beyond 6 weeks may lead to signs of masculinization. Weight gain from 아나바 is typically slow and noticeable after 3-4 weeks.

Virilization signs include:

Women exhibiting virilizing symptoms must cease use immediately. Although some effects like acne and increased hair growth may resolve, others may persist.


All 단백 동화 스테로이드 carry a risk of liver damage and jaundice. Reports document liver dysfunction and tumors linked to usage. Liver cancer remains a major concern, thus regular monitoring of liver enzymes and annual ultrasounds are advisable for users.

과다 복용

Overdose risks with 아나바 are low; however, users might experience discomfort. Medical attention is recommended in such cases, with supportive care as the main treatment path.


Pricing for 아나바 (100 tablets of 2.5 mg) generally ranges from $100 to $150, though counterfeit products are prevalent. It’s crucial to source from reputable suppliers since personal possession in the USA is illegal, with authentic pharmacy options costing between $700 and $1200 for 100 tablets.


Both 아나바 and its metabolites are detectable in urine. Major sports organizations frequently test for 단백 동화 스테로이드, with some metabolites lingering in the body for 7-14 days post-administration.


As a controlled substance, 아나바 is illegal to sell or distribute in the USA. The DEA closely monitors sales both in pharmacies and online, classifying personal possession as a criminal offense due to its lack of clinical utilization.

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