Sandoz Femozol 30 tabs (2,5 mg/tab) 만료 원래 가격: € 59,00.현재 가격: € 10,00.
0.00064944 0.00011007
제품으로 돌아가기
British Dragon Mesterolone Tablets 100 tabs (25 mg/tab) 만료 원래 가격: € 61,00.현재 가격: € 10,00.
0.00067146 0.00011007

Bayer Proviron 20 tabs (25 mg/tab) 만료

구매 및 5 적립하기 {WLR_POINTS_LABEL}!

원래 가격: € 26,00.현재 가격: € 2,40.
0.00028619 0.00002642

Bayer Proviron 20 tabs (25 mg/tab) 만료: Bayer 환경 is an anti-estrogenic tablet for 테스토스테론 support. anti-estrogenic, hormone that promotes gonadotropins release.

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만료 날짜: 30. 9. 2021

130 지금 이 제품을 시청하는 사람들!


Proviron is a drug noted for its anti-estrogenic activity, effectively blocking estrogen receptors in the brain. This action results in a notable increase in Gonadotropin release (LH and FSH), stimulating testosterone production in the testes. Although it lacks direct anabolic or androgenic properties, Proviron was initially developed in the 1970s and faded from the market by the late 1990s. The manufacturer, Schering, has ceases production since then. Most online vendors claiming to sell Proviron are often unreliable, and the drug is seldom authentically available. Reports indicate that available products likely originate from smuggling operations in regions such as Asia, Russia, and Mexico, raising serious doubts about their legitimacy. In earlier clinical trials, the drug was assessed for treating depression and anxiety in both men and women. These studies uncovered its potential to elevate Gonadotropins and testosterone levels, leading to its application in addressing fertility concerns. However, Proviron is currently unavailable for any medical treatments, especially since its online presence is largely attributed to counterfeit products.


Historically, Proviron was prescribed for testosterone deficiency and male infertility linked to hypothalamic, pituitary, or testicular dysfunction.


Proviron exhibits more androgenic than anabolic effects, attracting athletes and bodybuilders seeking to recover from testosterone suppression often caused by long-term use of exogenous anabolic steroids. However, many bodybuilders have expressed disappointment, asserting it fails to enhance muscle mass or strength. Numerous users suspect that confusion may arise from ineffective or counterfeit versions of the drug. Without rigorous laboratory testing, verifying the product’s authenticity is virtually impossible. Proviron possesses anti-estrogen activity akin to Nolvadex and Arimidex, helping prevent breast enlargement and water retention—common side effects of many anabolic steroids. Some users claim it generates a “bulging” muscle effect; however, the contribution of concurrent anabolic steroids complicates these assertions. Its use is primarily during washout cycles to maintain testosterone levels, though many informed athletes have shifted towards alternatives like Arimidex or Nolvadex. 여성
Proviron has also been utilized by females in the past. Although some have reported bodybuilding benefits, many say the drug’s efficacy is minimal. Due to its anti-estrogen effects, women using the drug should be monitored by healthcare professionals.


The recommended dose of Mesterolone is 25 mg taken orally, 2-3 times a day for several months, followed by a maintenance phase. When ingested, Proviron is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and has a half-life of approximately 12-24 hours, remaining detectable in urine for at least two weeks post-administration. Given its limited anti-estrogen effectiveness, Proviron is often co-administered with Tamoxifen or Arimidex during the washout period.


As with any medication, Proviron is linked to various rare side effects that can be quite concerning. These may include:

  • 고통스러운 발기
  • 성욕 상실
  • 일반적인 피로
  • 목소리 깊어짐
  • increased hair growth
  • acne and oily skin

금기 사항

Proviron usage is discouraged in:

  • 어린이
  • pregnant women
  • individuals with liver dysfunction
  • those diagnosed with prostate cancer
  • individuals with allergies


When available, Proviron can be quite costly, with quality and purity often questioned. Currently, it is primarily found on the black market, with most product smuggled into the USA from Mexico and the Far East, costing $3-$4 per 20 mg tablet—with no assurance of authenticity.


Most sports organizations classify Proviron as banned, actively screening for it in urine samples. Due to its extensive half-life, the drug remains detectable for up to two weeks following the last intake.


While possessing Proviron is not illegal, it is subject to screenings by sports agencies. In the United States, it falls under the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule III drug.

최종 단어

Proviron is now largely relegated to history, with authentic products virtually nonexistent. Current offerings are predominantly fake or mixed with unverified substances. For individuals interested in muscle development, alternatives like Arimidex may be far superior choices.

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