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Euro-Pharmacies PEG-MGF 1 vial (2 mg) EXPIRATION

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원래 가격: € 76,00.현재 가격: € 48,00.
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Euro-Pharmacies PEG-MGF 1 vial + 1 amp solvent (2 mg) for muscle growth, 복구hypertrophy in adults.

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만료 날짜: 30. 8. 2024

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페길화 메카노 성장 인자(PEG-MGF)

PEG-MGF represents a specialized IGF gene, recognized as a peptide that facilitates recovery post exhaustive workouts. Its enhanced ability to mend damaged muscle tissues surpasses that of the conventional IGF-1, a peptide vital for pediatric growth and promoting anabolic processes in adults. Both PEG-MGF and IGF-1 are classified as polypeptide hormones, distinct from myoblasts, which are embryonic cells that mature into muscle fibers. PEG-MGF stimulates myoblast division and aids in the maturation of these fibers—crucial processes for optimizing muscle growth in adults.


Initially, users encountered a challenge with MGF’s longevity in the body. PEG-MGF, being water-based, offers a brief period of activity. To combat this, researchers pegylated MGF—integrating it with a polyethylene glycol molecule, resulting in rapid breakdown and improved blood circulation.

용해성 및 보관

For optimal use, dilute the lyophilized PEG-MGF in sterilized water and consider further dilution in an aqueous solution. While stable at room temperature for 3-4 weeks, it’s best stored in a desiccated form below -18°C. Upon reconstitution, keep PEG-MGF at 4°C, shielded from direct light, and utilize within 10-14 days. Future storage should also be below -18°C, avoiding multiple freeze-thaw cycles.

결과 및 혜택

Given the transient nature of MGF injections, the introduction of polyethylene glycol (PEG) is crucial to prolong the stability of MGF molecules within the body. PEG-MGF consistently generates satellite cells within muscle fibers, kickstarting hypertrophy in adult muscles—a process characterized by an increase in skeletal muscle size from cell growth. These satellite cells foster muscle regeneration by maintaining a population of cells ready to proliferate following any muscular injury. Additionally, PEG-MGF aids in nitrogen retention, providing essential protein metrics necessary for body tissues and muscle construction. It enhances muscle protein synthesis, crucial for muscle growth. During exercise, micro-tears in muscle tissue prompt increased blood flow, stimulating protein reaction to repair these injuries, leading to stronger, larger muscle fibers.


Due to limited exhaustive studies on PEG-MGF, identified side effects remain minimal.


  • Recommended usage frequency: twice weekly.
  • Injection site: body fat around the abdomen.
  • Suggested dosage: 200-400 MCG per injection.
추가 정보
활성 성분









패키지 크기

1 바이알 + 1 암페어 용매


하루 200 - 1000 mcg





상품평 (0)


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Euro-Pharmacies PEG-MGF 1 vial (2 mg) EXPIRATION Euro-Pharmacies PEG-MGF 1 vial (2 mg) EXPIRATION
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