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만료 날짜: 31. 7. 2023

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Methenolone AcetatePrimobolan

Primobolan is a synthetic anabolic steroid with no approved medical applications. Previously explored for treating resistant anemias and improving HIV-related wasting, it has seen a decline in use. Manufactured by Schering AG in the past, production ceased over two decades ago due to abuse and significant side effects. Currently, Primobolan found on the black market originates from illegal labs across South America, Europe, and Asia.


Known for minimal androgenic activity, Primobolan is favored by bodybuilders for gradual muscle mass and strength gains, typically taking 6-8 weeks to manifest results. It is commonly utilized during the off-season, mirroring the effects of Deca Durabolin but requiring higher doses. Its lower potency in suppressing endogenous testosterone makes it less androgenic, especially at low doses. Many bodybuilders combine it with other anabolic steroids or GH, but its effectiveness is debated. Animal studies indicate potential for weight gain over time, with higher doses linked to considerable side effects like gynecomastia. Primobolan’s absorption is limited, with under 30% absorbed, and experts suggest co-administering with Clomid to enhance effects.


Bodybuilders typically administer Primobolan in three ways: orally, through injection, or topically. Dosage is variable; for oral use, 25 mg daily is recommended, adjusting to 50 mg if no effects are noted after 3-4 weeks. Others may escalate to 150 mg per day based on body weight. For injections, doses range from 200-350 mg bi-weekly, primarily in the buttock area. Due to rapid liver breakdown following oral ingestion, alternative administration methods are being explored, yet the scientific backing is scarce. Some users report faster recovery from injuries with topical application, though the quality of Primobolan is often questionable.


While Primobolan has been noted to aid fat loss, this is more attributed to exercise intensity rather than the drug itself. At lower doses, virilization is minimal, making it a popular choice for women, as it does not lead to excessive water retention.


Despite lacking official data on side effects due to its unapproved status for human use, user surveys suggest Primobolan is generally safe, with rare adverse effects. Reported side effects include:

  • 피로
  • nausea/vomiting
  • 복부 cramps
  • mood alterations (depression, anger)
  • acne/oily skin
  • 수분 유지
  • 여성형 유방증

Most side effects resolve upon discontinuation of the drug.


Primobolan has a long half-life, remaining detectable in urine for 3-8 weeks. Regulatory sports bodies routinely test for its presence, making it primarily used during preseason training.


Obtaining Primobolan is challenging due to discontinued manufacturing. While illegal labs produce it, purity and quality are suspect. The average cost for a 25 mg tablet ranges from $2-$4, with 100 mg vials priced at $5-10. Some bodybuilders reportedly consume livestock treated with anabolic steroids, posing a detection risk.


Classified as a schedule 3 drug under the Controlled Substances Act, Primobolan serves no clinical purpose, and its possession, distribution, or sale is illegal.

최종 조언

The genuine Primobolan is no longer available; consider investing in other anabolic steroids or, preferably, pursue a clean regimen.

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