Hubei Anadrol 50 tabs (10 mg/tab) 만료
구매 및 26 적립하기 {WLR_POINTS_LABEL}!€ 17,00 원래 가격: € 17,00.€ 13,00현재 가격: € 13,00.0.00018713 0.00014310
Hubei Anadrol 50 tabs (10 mg/tab) EXPIRATION – Hubei 아나드롤 is a potent 단백 동화 steroid for 보디빌딩 and performance.
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옥시메톨론 – 아나드롤
아나드롤 (oxymetholone) is a powerful synthetic steroid available in tablet form. This potent oral 단백 동화 and androgenic agent can significantly enhance nitrogen retention when accompanied by a calorie-rich diet. Its effects parallel those of 테스토스테론, but caution is essential; administration to children can lead to severe abnormalities in physical and sexual development.
아나드롤, known pharmacologically as 옥시메톨론, has a half-life of approximately 8-10 hours, remaining active in the body 2-4 times longer due to its affinity for fatty tissue storage. Studies reveal that it can be detected for up to 2 months post-administration, making it less favored among bodybuilders. Experts suggest using it primarily during off-season phases for body enhancement.
In medical practice, 아나드롤 is indicated for various anemias, including iron deficiency anemia, acquired aplastic anemia, and others arising from immunosuppressive treatments. It is not a substitute for iron or other nutrients and is only employed when other treatments fail. Additionally, it may assist in combating wasting in HIV patients and individuals with severe osteoporosis, though its prescriptions have declined due to potential side effects.
The dosage of 아나드롤 is typically determined by body weight, recommending about 1.5-2mg/kg (50-200mg/week) for both adults and children. The effect is not immediate, often requiring 2-3 weeks for noticeable results, with adjustments made for those with aplastic anemia. Available exclusively as a tablet, it is never administered intravenously.
Understanding 아나드롤 implications is critical. Associated side effects may include:
- 황달
- 간암 발생 가능성
- penile enlargement pre-puberty
- testicular atrophy and low sperm count post-puberty
- impotence, painful erections
- clitoral enlargement and menstrual irregularities in women
- 불면증
- 여성형 유방증
- voice deepening
- 과도한 모발 성장
- 피로
- body swelling
- high blood sugar
금기 사항
Avoid 아나드롤 use in cases of:
- 전립선암
- male and female breast cancers
- pregnant individuals
- liver impairments
- allergic reactions to the drug
아나드롤 is widely adopted by athletes and bodybuilders for its formidable potency and low cost. It is often obtained through black market channels or falsified prescriptions, particularly from regions like Mexico and Thailand. Orally taken, it leads to gradual weight gain noticeable after 3-4 weeks, with a requirement for prolonged use of 3-6 weeks to sustain results. Some combine it with other anabolic steroids and observe a common water retention side effect, believed to shield joints during workouts. It also aids faster recovery post-injury. However, due to its potential for serious side effects, including liver cancer, usage should be cautiously monitored. Repeated cycling with other steroids is frequently practiced to maintain muscle gains.
The cost of 아나드롤 is considerable, with 100 tablets priced between $150-$200.
The rampant misuse of 아나드롤 has led to more stringent regulations in North America. Classified as a Schedule III controlled substance, it necessitates a physician’s prescription. Offenders caught selling or distributing this drug face hefty fines and potential imprisonment.
This drug has been banned across all sporting organizations, with routine testing for athletes. Positive results typically result in athlete suspension. 아나드롤 and its metabolites can be detected in urine for 20-45 days after the last dose.
패키지 크기 |
50 tabs |
브랜드 | |
성별 |
남성 |
유형 |
구두 |
복용량 |
하루 50 - 200 mg |
활성 성분 |
옥시메톨론 |
반감기 |
8~9시간 |
만료 |
XI.24 |
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