MultiPharm HealthCare Stromba 100 tabs (10 mg/tab) EXPIRATION 원래 가격: € 43,00.현재 가격: € 27,00.
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Sterling Knight Oxymetholone 60 tabs (50 mg/tab) EXPIRATION 원래 가격: € 54,00.현재 가격: € 25,00.
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Sterling Knight Methyltestosterone 60 tabs (25 mg/tab) EXPIRATION

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원래 가격: € 42,00.현재 가격: € 19,00.
0.00046231 0.00020914

Sterling Knight Methyltestosterone 60 tabs (25 mg/tab) EXPIRATION: Sterling Knight provides 메틸테스토스테론 in 60 tabs of 25 mg/tab for performance and 테스토스테론 therapies.

35 Items sold in last 2 weeks

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만료 날짜: 31. 8. 2023

12 지금 이 제품을 시청하는 사람들!


Anabolic Steroid Synthesized Steroid widely utilized in clinical settings, Synthetic Testosterone is a stable derivative aimed at treating testosterone deficiencies. Essential for sexual characteristics and growth, it’s also been acknowledged in treating advanced breast cancer in women over the past decade.


As one of the earliest oral 스테로이드, 메틸테스토스테론 is manufactured across numerous countries, including the U.S. This Androgenic Drug exhibits moderate anabolic properties. Administered daily for months, it supports secondary sexual characteristic development and bodily growth.


Favored by athletes, particularly 보디빌더, 메틸테스토스테론 enhances physique and mental vigor. Users often report increased energy and aggression, making it a go-to for weight lifters and professional wrestlers. Many athletes believe it enhances exercise performance during intense training.

Although oral consumption is common, some athletes opt to *sublingually* absorb the crushed tablets for rapid blood circulation effects. However, the drug might not yield immediate results, and the reported mental alterations are often considered placebo responses.

Due to its conversion into estrogen within fatty tissues, side effects like gynecomastia and fluid retention may arise, prompting some 보디빌더 to use 아리미덱스 또는 타목시펜 as countermeasures. Usage spans a few weeks, followed by a washout period with 아리미덱스.

메틸테스토스테론 is not notably potent as an anabolic agent and is often combined with Thyroxin 또는 Growth Hormone. The weight gain linked to this drug is gradual, and its preference among 보디빌더 is attributed to temporary aggression spiking and brief performance improvements.


Low dosage 메틸테스토스테론 usage reveals rare side effects; however, prolonged intake can result in a variety of reversible side effects. Women may experience virilization effects that aren’t always reversible upon cessation of the drug. Potential side effects include:

  • 메스꺼움, 구토
  • 복부 cramps, 설사
  • 부기
  • libido fluctuations
  • 두통
  • 여드름, 지성 피부
  • mental effects like anger, depression, insomnia
  • perspiration
  • 탈모
  • 여성형 유방증

In females, virilizing effects can include:

  • 목소리 깊어짐
  • 쉰 목소리
  • 과도한 모발 성장
  • 음핵 비대
  • 불규칙한 월경 주기


메틸테스토스테론 is orally ingested and swiftly enters the bloodstream.

It has a brief half-life and is typically prescribed at once-daily dosing for medical patients, while some 보디빌더 prefer double dosage, which may heighten side effects.

Usage generally follows a cycle of once daily for 3 weeks, followed by a break to allow hypothalamic and testicular recovery. Short treatment durations help minimize side effects.

과다 복용

Overdosing on 메틸테스토스테론 is rare and generally poses minimal harm; however, visiting the ER is advisable if an overdose occurs due to adverse symptoms.


The market is rife with counterfeit Anabolic Steroids, often contaminated with 메틸테스토스테론. Its widespread availability means many who order online are unknowingly acquiring tainted products, detectable only through laboratory analysis.


Regulated as a Schedule 3 drug under the Controlled Substance Act, 메틸테스토스테론 requires a physician’s prescription in the USA. Unauthorized sales or distribution are illegal.


Users of 메틸테스토스테론 should be monitored by healthcare professionals due to potential increases in liver enzyme levels. Rare instances of liver masses have occurred in long-term users of anabolic steroids.


Like all anabolic steroids, 메틸테스토스테론 is prohibited in sports and is actively screened in urine tests. Advanced testing methods can detect the drug and its metabolites for up to a week post-consumption.


The price of 메틸테스토스테론 varies significantly, typically ranging from $80-$150 for 100 tablets (25 mg).

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60 tabs







하루 25 - 50 mg

활성 성분






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Sterling Knight Methyltestosterone 60 tabs (25 mg/tab) EXPIRATION Sterling Knight Methyltestosterone 60 tabs (25 mg/tab) EXPIRATION
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