Hubei Stromba 50 tabs (10 mg/tab)

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Hubei Stromba 50 Tabs (10 mg/tab) – Pure Stanozolol for Performance: Hubei Stromba 스타노졸롤 15mg performance 단백 동화 steroid 보디빌딩


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1 - 2  21,00
3 - 5  19,95
6 - 9  19,32
10 - 19  18,48
20+  17,64
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Winstrol, known scientifically as 스타노졸롤, is a synthetic anabolic steroid that mimics 테스토스테론. This compound possesses both anabolic and androgenic properties, and in females, it may trigger virilizing effects.

Once readily available, Winstrol has become increasingly rare to find. Despite online claims of its accessibility, many products purchased may contain counterfeit formulations or harmful contaminants. The prevalence of fake 단백 동화 스테로이드 has led to increased scrutiny from the DEA, making the internet a risky place for purchasing steroids, where the purity of products remains uncertain.


Winstrol, a derivative of testosterone developed by Winthrop Laboratories in the 1960s, is among the earliest 단백 동화 스테로이드 in clinical use. It is primarily prescribed for managing hereditary angioedema and has been effective in treating severe cases of anemias and weight loss in HIV patients. Historically, this product was also employed for livestock weight gain. The intramuscular variant, which was commonplace, is challenging to locate today due to widespread abuse and associated side effects.

의학에서의 복용량

For veterinary applications, Winstrol is utilized as an intramuscular injection promoting weight gain in livestock. For human treatment, stanozolol is available in oral tablet form, typically prescribed at 2 mg three times a day for hereditary angioedema, often continued for 1-3 months without significant side effects. At low doses, it is generally considered safe for extended use, with anabolic effects usually detectable after 3-4 weeks. Mild androgenic effects may occur at higher doses.


As with any anabolic steroid, Winstrol presents possible side effects, although they are infrequent and often manageable. Notable side effects include:

  • 황달
  • 간 괴사 - 흔한
  • rare liver cancers
  • 고환 위축
  • 성욕 감소
  • mood changes, such as depression and anger
  • digestive issues like nausea and diarrhea
  • 여성형 유방증
  • voice deepening in women
  • 탈모
  • 여성의 모발 성장
  • 체액 유지
  • elevated blood sugars
  • lowered HDL cholesterol

While many side effects may reverse after cessation, some virilizing effects in women could be permanent. Those using this steroid should monitor liver function, as serious liver damage can occur.

금기 사항

Winstrol should not be used in patients with:

  • 남성 유방암
  • 전립선암
  • females with breast cancer or hypercalcemia
  • pregnant women
  • allergies to steroid medications

Dosage for Bodybuilders

Bodybuilders often utilize stanozolol to enhance performance and facilitate gradual weight gain without water retention. It is traditionally prescribed as an oral tablet, with medicinal doses ranging from 2-6 mg daily, as higher doses pose risks due to liver toxicity. However, bodybuilders frequently exceed therapeutic doses, sometimes consuming 30-100 mg per day. Injectable forms allow a typical dosage of 50 mg per day; caution with injection sites is essential to avoid complications.

Utilized a month or two before competitions, users often discontinue Winstrol 2-3 weeks in advance to prevent detection. Many report noticeable muscle mass increase within 3-4 weeks, although these gains can be fleeting. Experts caution against prolonged use beyond 4-6 weeks and suggest cycling with alternatives like Masteron, Oxandrolone, or THYROXIN to mitigate risks.

In contrast, furazabol, an alternative to stanozolol, offers enhancements to cholesterol profiles at lower doses, but excessive use leads to adverse cholesterol changes.


Women often use stanozolol due to its strong anabolic effects and minimal androgenic activity, reducing the likelihood of virilizing features. Nonetheless, prolonged use or high doses can lead to irreversible side effects.


Stanozolol is banned by all major sports organizations and can be detected in urine for up to 5-7 days post-use, with advancements enabling detection for up to two months. Many athletes unwisely believe the drug is undetectable two weeks after cessation, often spurred by peer influence rather than scientific insight.

Cost and Availability

Multiple online vendors claim to sell Winstrol, yet the DEA’s monitoring casts doubt on product legitimacy. In the USA, the most common source is from Thailand, with illicit options available through the veterinary market. Pricing for Winstrol can reach approximately $2 per tablet, making it essential to procure from reliable suppliers to ensure authenticity.


스타노졸롤 is classified as a Schedule III substance under the Controlled Substance Act, requiring a prescription for legal acquisition. Possession or distribution can result in fines and imprisonment. The rise in incidents related to steroids has tightened regulations, and healthcare professionals often hesitate to prescribe stanozolol due to the potential for abuse and the risk of reputational damage.

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50 tabs









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