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Genepharm Zymoplex Tamoxifen 30 tabs (20 mg/tab)

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Genepharm Zymoplex Tamoxifen 30 tabs (20 mg/tab): 타목시펜 for breast cancer treatment & prevention of 여성형 유방증.

55 Items sold in last 2 weeks

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1 - 2  24,00
3 - 5  22,80
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20+  20,16
37 지금 이 제품을 시청하는 사람들!


Nolvadex is a non-steroidal medication with powerful anti-estrogenic properties. By attaching to estrogen receptors, it effectively blocks estrogen’s effects. This treatment is indicated for specific types of breast cancer in both women and men. Additionally, it serves as a preventive measure for women with ductal carcinoma in situ (abnormal ductal cells) who face a high risk of developing breast cancer. Studies are also exploring its effectiveness in other breast cancer types. Commonly referred to as tamoxifen or tamoxifen citrate.


Nolvadex is utilized for managing metastatic breast cancer in both genders. It is also effective for premenopausal women facing metastatic breast cancer. Rather than opting for surgery (ovarian removal) or radiation, Nolvadex is the preferred choice, especially for patients with estrogen receptor-positive tumors. Furthermore, it is indicated for adjuvant therapy post-surgery in women with breast cancer.


Nolvadex is offered in 10/20 mg tablets and as a 10 mg solution. The standard recommended dosage is 20 mg per day, taken orally and well absorbed. Patients can ingest the pill with or without food. Dosages for breast cancer patients typically range from 20-40 mg daily, with higher doses divided into 1-3 servings. Bodybuilders often start with 20 mg/day, with some increasing to 30 mg/day. It is advised not to exceed 5 years of therapy.


While Nolvadex does not exhibit direct anabolic or androgenic effects, it works primarily by blocking estrogen receptors. This blockade triggers a perceived deficiency of this hormone in the hypothalamus, resulting in increased gonadotropins (LH and FSH) and synthesis of sex hormones such as testosterone. This testosterone surge accounts for the anabolic and androgenic benefits attributed to Nolvadex. Typically, bodybuilders use it after anabolic steroid cycles, as it assists in counteracting testosterone suppression. Some prefer Nolvadex over Arimidex as both serve similar purposes, with Nolvadex also helping to prevent gynecomastia and water retention. It generally causes minimal weight gain on its own, hence it’s favored during washout phases to help maintain weight gained from other anabolic steroids while allowing the testes to recover.


Nolvadex is routinely prescribed for women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. All women taking this medication, whether prescribed or for bodybuilding purposes, should be monitored by a healthcare professional. Notable side effects for women include:

  • 질 출혈
  • 새로운 유방 덩어리
  • 복부 충만감 감소
  • pelvic pain
  • 다리 부기
  • 갑작스럽거나 점진적인 호흡곤란
  • visual changes
  • 불규칙한 월경 주기

Regular breast examinations by healthcare providers are essential. Although complications are rare, caution is advised, especially since Nolvadex may interfere with birth control effectiveness.

Overall Side Effects

Nolvadex is considered a safe drug, with only 1-3% of women experiencing significant side effects, leading to few discontinuations. Common side effects noted in both men and women include:

  • 안면 홍조
  • 다리 부기
  • altered taste
  • genital itching
  • 우울증
  • fatigue, dizziness
  • 두통
  • 탈모
  • 질 건조증
  • 메스꺼움, 구토
  • 뼈 통증
  • coughing
  • 복부 cramps
  • 식욕 부진

Most of these effects resolve once treatment is halted.


Nolvadex may cause hypercalcemia as early as a few weeks after initiating treatment in breast cancer patients, with reported cases of uterine cancer associated with its use. Rare complications may also include blood clots leading to embolism and altered vision.

과다 복용

Nolvadex is regarded as safe, with no overdose cases reported. Effects could manifest 4-6 days after ingestion of multiple pills, possibly causing tremors, unsteady gait, or irregular heart rates. Supportive treatment is recommended, as no lasting toxicity occurs.


Many sports organizations actively test for Nolvadex. While it may be prescribed for women, males testing positive for this drug in their urine will be disqualified from sports competitions. Nolvadex and its metabolites can remain detectable in urine for 3-4 weeks post-dose.


Nolvadex is readily available, although not inexpensive, with prices averaging $1.50-$2.00 per pill. Generic versions from Asia may be cheaper, but their quality and purity can be questionable. Currently, there are no counterfeit Nolvadex products on the market.

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30 tabs









하루 20 - 40 mg

활성 성분

타목시펜 구연산염



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