Balkan Pharmaceuticals Strombafort 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)
구매 및 78 적립하기 {WLR_POINTS_LABEL}!€ 39,00
Balkan Pharmaceuticals Strombafort 100 tabs (10 mg/tab) – Strombafort is a potent anabolic steroid designed for muscle gain and fat loss.
재고 있음
수량 할인
수량(개) | 가격(개당) |
1 - 2 | € 39,00 |
3 - 5 | € 37,05 |
6 - 9 | € 35,88 |
10 - 19 | € 34,32 |
20+ | € 32,76 |
스타노졸롤 – Winstrol
Winstrol, also known as 스타노졸롤, is a synthetic anabolic steroid that mimics testosterone, exhibiting both anabolic and androgenic properties. It may induce virilization in females. Once prevalent, Winstrol’s availability has diminished significantly in recent years, as online retailers often sell counterfeit formulations or contaminated products. The surge in profit-seeking individuals selling bogus anabolic steroids online has garnered scrutiny from the DEA, which actively monitors these transactions due to the illegal nature of anabolic steroid distribution. Bodybuilders seeking authentic Winstrol should exercise caution, as purity can be compromised in online purchases.
Originally developed in the 1960s by Winthrop Laboratories, Winstrol is one of the oldest anabolic steroids available. It is primarily indicated for treating hereditary angioedema and has been explored as a treatment for resistant anemia and weight loss in HIV patients. The intramuscular formulation was previously utilized in livestock for weight gain but has since grown scarce due to abuse and potential side effects.
의학에서의 복용량
Winstrol is administered intramuscularly in livestock for weight gain, while human patients may receive it as an oral tablet. The typical dosage for hereditary angioedema is 2 mg three times daily for one to three months, generally without side effects. Anabolic effects become apparent after three to four weeks, with some mild androgenic effects at higher doses.
Like all anabolic steroids, Winstrol may produce side effects, though they are infrequent and typically manageable. Common side effects include:
- 황달
- 간 괴사 - 흔한
- rare liver cancers
- 고환 위축
- 성욕 감소
- mood swings including depression and anger
- gastrointestinal disturbances like nausea
- 여성형 유방증
- 여성의 목소리 깊어짐
- 탈모
- excess hair growth in women
- 체액 유지
- increased blood sugar levels
- reduced HDL cholesterol
While most side effects are reversible upon cessation, virilizing effects in women may not be. Users must monitor liver function regularly to mitigate risks of severe damage.
금기 사항
Winstrol is contraindicated for individuals with:
- 남성 유방암
- 전립선암
- female breast cancer and/or hypercalcemia
- 임신
- allergies to steroidal drugs
Dosage for Bodybuilders
Stanozolol is popular among bodybuilders and athletes for its efficacy in enhancing weight gain and performance without substantial water retention. Its medical dosage is typically 2-6 mg per day, but bodybuilders often exceed this by 5-15 times, with dosages ranging from 30-100 mg/day. An injectable form is also available, providing approximately 50 mg/day through intramuscular injections. The injectable product appears as a milky liquid containing microcrystals, making counterfeiting prevalent and hard to detect visually. Though the drug is commonly cycled with others like Masteron and Oxandrolone, abuse can lead to liver damage and decreased HDL cholesterol.
For women, Stanozolol offers potent anabolic benefits with minimal androgenic effects; however, higher doses or prolonged use can induce irreversible virilization.
Stanozolol is banned by all major sports organizations and can be detected in urine for days after use. Despite misconceptions regarding its detectability, metabolites can remain traceable for up to two months.
Cost and Availability
Although numerous websites claim to sell Winstrol, the legitimacy of these products is often questionable. Common formulations in the USA primarily originate from Thailand, Mexico, and Europe, with prices averaging around $2 per tablet or $150-$200 for a bottle of 200 tablets.
Under the Controlled Substance Act, stanozolol is classified as a schedule 3 drug, necessitating a physician’s prescription for legal acquisition. Violators face heavy penalties, including fines and imprisonment, due to increasing concerns over abuse and safety.
패키지 크기 |
100 tabs |
브랜드 | |
성별 |
남성 ,여성 |
유형 |
구두 |
복용량 |
하루 20 - 80 mg |
활성 성분 |
스타노졸롤 |
반감기 |
9시간 |
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