MultiPharm HealthCare Danabol 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)

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MultiPharm HealthCare Danabol 100 tabs (10 mg/tab): 메탄디엔논, anabolic steroid, ideal for muscle growth and 보디빌딩.

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1 - 2  29,00
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Dianabol, a synthetic steroid closely resembling testosterone, stands as one of the oldest anabolic steroids in illicit use. Recognized for its anabolic properties soon after its introduction in 1958—a time when steroid toxicity was largely overlooked—it became a popular muscle growth agent through the 60s and 70s. Initially favored by athletes and bodybuilders, its side effects ultimately led to significant reputational damage and a decline in medical applications, resulting in its FDA ban in the early 90s. Current production occurs primarily in Mexico, Southeast Asia, and China, leaving the quality and purity of available products uncertain.


Dianabol remains a favored choice among athletes, movie stars, and bodybuilders, particularly during the lawless era of the 60s and 70s. While it offers decent anabolic effects for short durations, high doses introduce androgenic activity, promoting rapid improvements in muscle mass and strength. Its action influences the liver, kidneys, brain, and heart, enhancing performance by increasing oxygen retention in red blood cells. However, its metabolism into estrogen raises concerns about potential heart enlargement, leading to severe health complications.


Today, Dianabol is widely utilized across various sports, often combined with other steroids like Equipose, 아나바Winstrol. Recommended dosing ranges from 10–100 mg/day over 4–6 weeks, with most users noticing results within 4 weeks. To mitigate estrogen conversion, bodybuilders often incorporate medications like Clomid or Nolvadex, particularly during the washout phase. Weight gain occurs gradually, primarily from water retention rather than protein buildup, and a high-calorie diet is essential to maximize results.


As with all anabolic steroids, Dianabol presents potential side effects, such as:

  • 여성형 유방증
  • 여드름
  • 지성 피부
  • 혈압 상승
  • 탈모
  • 성욕 상실
  • 발기 부전
  • 고환 위축
  • 피로
  • 목소리 깊어짐
  • 근육화
  • 여성의 모발 성장

While most adverse effects are rare with short-term use, severe complications like jaundice and heart attacks have been reported. Female users should be wary of virilizing effects, some of which may be irreversible. Following cessation of the drug, side effects and weight gain typically reverse.


Dosages vary significantly; many recommend starting at 10 mg/day, incrementing to 40 mg/day. Some bodybuilders have been known to reach as high as 100 mg/day, though side effects increase markedly at these levels. Users are encouraged to seek medical advice, as Dianabol poses serious risks to liver health and cardiovascular function due to increased water retention and blood pressure.


Despite numerous online sellers claiming authenticity, purity remains a key concern. Many suggested products have been identified as counterfeit or substituted with less powerful drugs. The substance is smuggled into the U.S. from various regions, including Mexico (sold as Reforvit-b), where border enforcement actively screens suspicious shipments. Testing has shown that many anabolic pills marketed online are either fake or contaminated, underlining the importance of sourcing from reputable dealers.


Dianabol is classified as a Schedule 3 drug under the Controlled Substances Act, making it banned in sports and subject to urine testing. Current testing methodologies can detect its metabolites for up to 4 weeks post-use.


If obtained legitimately, Dianabol is relatively inexpensive; a common price for 500 tablets (10 mg each) is around $100.


Dianabol is illegal for clinical use in North America, classified under the Controlled Substances Act, making possession or distribution punishable by fines or imprisonment. Nevertheless, many athletes ignore these legal ramifications.

최종 단어

Those aiming to enhance body mass should look beyond Dianabol. While it is still produced in parts of Asia and Mexico, concerns about its purity and quality warrant the consideration of safer, more reliable alternatives.

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100 tabs









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