Somatrop-Lab Mesterolone 50 tabs (25 mg/tab)

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Somatrop-Lab Mesterolone 50 Tabs (25 mg/tab): 메테롤론 is an anti-estrogenic supplement that boosts 테스토스테론 levels. Ideal for 보디빌더 and athletes!

52 Items sold in last 2 weeks

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수량 할인

수량(개) 가격(개당)
1 - 2  54,00
3 - 5  51,30
6 - 9  49,68
10 - 19  47,52
20+  45,36
75 지금 이 제품을 시청하는 사람들!


Proviron, an anti-estrogenic medication, blocks estrogen receptors in the brain, leading to increased release of Gonadotropins (LH and FSH), which stimulates testosterone production in the testes. Despite its effects, it lacks direct anabolic or androgenic properties. Developed in the 1970s, Proviron was withdrawn from the market by the late 1990s, with Schering no longer manufacturing the product. Many online sellers may be peddling counterfeit items, as there is no legitimate mass production. Reports indicate that what is available online may be smuggled from Asia, Russia, and Mexico, casting doubt on its authenticity. Initially tested for treating depression and anxiety in both genders, researchers found it elevated Gonadotropins and testosterone, leading to its application for fertility issues. Today, however, Proviron is discontinued and any available versions are likely fake or counterfeit.


Historically, Proviron addressed testosterone deficiency and male infertility linked to hypothalamic, pituitary, or testicular issues.


Proviron is recognized for its androgenic rather than anabolic activity, often utilized by athletes and bodybuilders to recover from testosterone suppression post-exogenous steroid use. Many bodybuilders report dissatisfaction with Proviron, noting it fails to enhance muscle mass or strength, possibly due to counterfeit products in circulation. Authenticity remains a significant concern without proper testing. Proviron also exhibits anti-estrogen properties similar to Nolvadex or Arimidex, mitigating breast enlargement and water retention typically associated with anabolic steroids. Although some users claim muscle bulge and definition, it’s challenging to attribute these results solely to Proviron given the concurrent use of other anabolic agents. Most knowledgeable athletes have switched to Arimidex or Nolvadex instead.여성Women have also used Proviron, with mixed reviews on its bodybuilding benefits. Its anti-estrogen effects mandate professional medical oversight for any female user.


The recommended dose of 메테롤론 is 25 mg taken orally 2-3 times daily for several months, followed by a maintenance regimen. Upon ingestion, Proviron is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, boasting a half-life of 12-24 hours, remaining detectable in urine for at least two weeks post-dose. Due to its limited anti-estrogen efficacy, it is commonly paired with Tamoxifen or Arimidex during washout periods.


Like any medication, Proviron is linked to potential side effects, although they do not manifest in all users. Notable side effects include:

  • 고통스러운 발기
  • 성욕 상실
  • 피로
  • voice deepening
  • increased hair growth
  • acne and oily skin

금기 사항

Proviron is contraindicated in:

  • 어린이
  • pregnant individuals
  • those with abnormal liver function
  • individuals with prostate cancer
  • those with allergies


When available, Proviron is costly, and its quality remains questionable. Currently, it circulates primarily in the black market, with an average price of $3-$4 per 20 mg pill, raising concerns regarding authenticity.


Proviron is banned by numerous sports organizations and is routinely screened in urine tests. Its prolonged half-life allows for detection up to two weeks following the last intake.


Possessing Proviron is legal; however, it remains banned in sporting contexts. In the USA, it is classified under the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule III drug.

최종 단어

Proviron is largely relegated to history, with genuine products currently unavailable. What’s for sale is likely fake or tainted with unsanctioned materials. For those pursuing body development, Arimidex presents a preferable alternative.

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50 tabs








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Somatrop-Lab Mesterolone 50 tabs (25 mg/tab) Somatrop-Lab Mesterolone 50 tabs (25 mg/tab)
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