Euro-Pharmacies Testosterone Propionate 15 ml vial (75 mg/ml)

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Euro-Pharmacies Testosterone Propionate 15 ml vial (75 mg/ml): Fast-acting Testosteron for muscle gain and strength.

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Testosteron propionaat

Testosterone propionate, similar to Cypionaat testosteron and enanthate, is a popular choice among bodybuilders. Its primary distinction lies in the speed of action and response duration. This formulation delivers quick results, typically acting within 3-4 days post-injection and lingering in the bloodstream for 24-48 hours. As a consequence, it generally leads to fewer side effects compared to its longer-acting counterparts while maintaining its potency as a mild anabolic and moderate androgenic agent. Users can anticipate noticeable effects within 3-5 weeks; however, no steroid or wonder drug can transform physique overnight. It’s crucial to note that prolonged use of this or any testosterone variant can trigger side effects, hence limiting usage to 4-6 weeks is advisable.


As an essential hormone, testosterone supports the growth and development of male sex organs and maintains secondary sexual characteristics. It influences the growth of the prostate, testis, seminal vesicles, penis, scrotum, and overall body growth. Despite being predominantly androgenic, testosterone also exhibits anabolic properties, promoting protein synthesis and a positive nitrogen balance, especially with a high-calorie diet. Moreover, testosterone propionate stimulates red blood cell production via EPO synthesis from kidneys, enhancing oxygen delivery. Extended usage inhibits the release of gonadotropins from the pituitary gland through a negative feedback mechanism and may compromise spermatogenesis at higher doses.


Testosterone propionate is released rapidly post-intramuscular injection, remaining active for 48-72 hours, but detectable in urine for a more extended period. This esterified formulation is intended exclusively for intramuscular administration, with its esterification prolonging action duration. Often, athletes experience discomfort when injecting into the buttocks. Using lower volumes and rotating injection sites minimizes the risk of abscess formation. For novice bodybuilders, the suggested starting dose is approximately 50 mg per day, with some opting for 50-100 mg/day. Some users may blend various testosterone formulations. Treatment should span no more than 4-6 weeks to allow recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and testes. During the washout phase, athletes often incorporate Nolvadex (tamoxifen) to mitigate estrogenic side effects.


In certain European nations, testosterone propionate is prescribed for conditions linked to testosterone deficiency, including:

  • primary hypogonadism resulting from testicular injury
  • hypogonadism due to pituitary gland dysfunction
  • vertraagde puberteit
  • weight gain in cachectic hospitalized individuals

Therapy often remains necessary until satisfactory development of secondary sexual characteristics and growth is achieved.


Treatment duration varies based on individual factors such as age, sex, diagnosis, and response, as well as the appearance of adverse effects. Testosterone propionate should primarily be injected into buttock muscles—never intravenously—and sites should be rotated to avoid abscess formation. The maximum dosage should not surpass 100-400 mg/month due to potential side effects. Always check the formulation’s clarity before injection; any cloudiness may indicate expiration. Typically, treatment lasts 1-2 months with room-temperature storage recommended.


Many bodybuilders opt for testosterone propionate during the off-season as it remains in the system for an extended period, though its use is discouraged during active competitive phases. The drug offers anabolic and androgenic effects; however, visible results generally take 3-4 weeks to materialize. Combinations with other anabolic compounds, such as GH/thyroxin, are often utilized. Due to testosterone’s conversion to estrogen in fatty tissues, side effects like breast enlargement and water retention can occur. Typical dosing for muscle mass and strength is around 25-400 mg/week, with beginners advised to start at lower doses to mitigate potent side effects. The incremental increase in protein mass occurs gradually, enhanced by testosterone’s role in red blood cell production, leading to improved performance during intense workouts. Most bodybuilders prefer testosterone propionate, though obtaining it can be challenging. Reports suggest this steroid also helps with overall health, enhances exercise performance, and achieves a positive nitrogen balance. Dramatic water retention can be countered with diuretics. To avoid breast enlargement, testosterone propionate is often cycled with agents like Arimidex or tamoxifen, typically taken for 4-6 weeks, followed by a rest phase where Arimidex may again be used.


All testosterone analogues pose a risk of virilizing effects with extended use. In females, these may manifest as deepening voice, excessive hair growth, disrupted menstrual cycles, mood changes, and clitoral enlargement. It is critical to cease use upon initial signs of virilization, as some effects might not be reversible.


Like all anabolic steroids, testosterone propionate can lead to side effects, though these are usually mild and well-tolerated. Common side effects experienced after 2-4 months include:

  • onregelmatige menstruatiecycli
  • viriliserende effecten
  • stem verdiepen
  • clitorisvergroting
  • gynaecomastie
  • pijnlijke erecties
  • haaruitval, acne, vette huid
  • waterretentie
  • misselijkheid, braken, geelzucht
  • rarely liver cancer
  • mental changes, depression, headaches, anxiety
  • elevated serum cholesterol

While most side effects can resolve, breast enlargement and certain virilizing effects may not.


Testosterone propionate should be used cautiously in individuals with:

  • borstkanker en hypercalciëmie
  • leverdisfunctie
  • prostaatkanker
  • hartproblemen

Isolated incidents of dry cough and breathing difficulties post-injection have been linked to the oil-based formulation or contaminants. Regular monitoring of liver enzymes and blood hematocrit levels is essential for users.

Legal Status

Classified as a class 3 drug under the Controlled Substance Act, testosterone propionate is not legally available in the USA.


Testosterone propionate can be detected within the body for several weeks, with modern testing techniques identifying it or its metabolites in urine for 3-4 weeks post-use. Advanced screening may even trace testosterone in hair for 2-4 months. However, testing accuracy isn’t flawless, with about 50% of users potentially evading detection based on testosterone/epitestosterone ratios.


Legal access to testosterone propionate is challenging; thus, many bodybuilders resort to the black market. Generic formulations from Europe and Mexico are prevalent but priced variably—from $10 to $40 for a 250 mg vial. Increased DEA regulation has fueled counterfeit products, emphasizing caution for buyers.

Extra informatie

15 ml







50 - 100 mg per dag

Actief ingrediënt



4,5 dagen

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Euro-Pharmacies Testosterone Propionate 15 ml vial (75 mg/ml) Euro-Pharmacies Testosterone Propionate 15 ml vial (75 mg/ml)
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