Euro-Pharmacies Tamotex 20 tabs (20 mg/tab)

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Euro-Pharmacies Tamotex 20 tabs (20 mg/tab): Nolvadex for breast cancer treatment, anti-estrogen support. Tamotex effects Nolvadex 20mg.

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Nolvadex is a renowned non-steroidal medication known for its powerful anti-estrogen effects. By attaching to estrogen receptors, it effectively blocks estrogen’s influence. This medication is primarily used for treating specific types of breast cancer in both women and men. Furthermore, it serves as a preventive measure for women with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) who are at elevated risk for breast cancer. Studies are ongoing to explore Nolvadex‘s potential against other breast cancer variants.


Nolvadex is indicated for the management of metastatic breast cancer in both genders, especially for premenopausal women facing similar diagnoses. As an alternative to surgery or radiation, Nolvadex is the treatment of choice, particularly for patients with estrogen receptor-positive tumors. Moreover, it is often prescribed as an adjuvant therapy following surgical procedures for breast cancer.


Nolvadex is available in 10 mg and 20 mg pills, as well as a 10 mg liquid solution. The standard recommended dosage is 20 mg per day, taken orally, with or without food for optimal absorption. For individuals with breast cancer, doses typically range from 20-40 mg daily, with higher doses split into multiple administrations. Many bodybuilders start at 20 mg a day, sometimes increasing to 30 mg daily, although prolonged therapy exceeding five years is not advised.


While Nolvadex does not exhibit direct anabolic properties, its ability to block estrogen receptors triggers a cascade of hormonal changes. This blockage on the hypothalamus leads to increased gonadotropin release (LH and FSH), subsequently enhancing testosterone production. Consequently, bodybuilders often use Nolvadex post-anabolic steroid cycles to mitigate testosterone suppression caused by steroids. While some may opt for Arimidex, both medications serve similar roles in combating gynecomastia and water retention, with Nolvadex preferred for its minimal weight gain effects.


Often recommended for female patients with metastatic breast cancer, Nolvadex should be prescribed and monitored by healthcare professionals. Side effects in women to watch for include:

  • вагінальна кровотеча
  • нові ущільнення в грудях
  • зниження повноти живота
  • pelvic pain
  • набряки ніг
  • shortness of breath
  • vision changes
  • нерегулярний менструальний цикл

Regular breast examinations are crucial for women taking Nolvadex. Additionally, female bodybuilders should be aware that Nolvadex can interfere with the efficacy of birth control pills.

Overall Side Effects

Generally considered safe, Nolvadex has a low incidence of serious side effects, affecting only 1-3% of users. Common side effects may include:

  • припливи жару
  • набряки ніг
  • altered taste
  • genital itching
  • депресія
  • fatigue and dizziness
  • головні болі
  • випадіння волосся
  • сухість піхви
  • nausea and vomiting
  • біль у кістках
  • кашель
  • черевна cramps
  • втрата апетиту

Most side effects recede once medication is halted.


Nolvadex can induce hypercalcemia in patients with breast cancer shortly after initiation. Additionally, there are rare instances of uterine cancer linked to Nolvadex. Other uncommon but severe risks include blood clots that could lead to pulmonary embolism, liver cancer, and visual disturbances.


Rarely associated with overdose incidents, Nolvadex remains a safe drug. Should an overdose occur, symptoms may not surface for 4-6 days, potentially leading to tremors, instability, dizziness, or irregular heart rhythms. Management typically involves supportive care, with no lasting toxicity reported.


Many sports organizations actively test for Nolvadex. While women with prescriptions may utilize the drug, males testing positive in urine samples face disqualification from competitions. Detection can occur for up to 3-4 weeks post-administration.


Widely accessible, Nolvadex varies in price, averaging $1.50-$2.00 per pill. Generic alternatives from Asia offer lower prices but may compromise quality. Fortunately, there are currently no counterfeit products in circulation.

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Euro-Pharmacies Tamotex 20 tabs (20 mg/tab) Euro-Pharmacies Tamotex 20 tabs (20 mg/tab)
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