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Станозолол - Winstrol

Winstrol, scientifically known as stanozolol, is a synthetic anabolic steroid that mimics testosterone. This dual-action hormone features both anabolic and androgenic properties, leading to potential virilizing effects in females. Once readily available, stanozolol has become difficult to procure, with many online products often being counterfeit or contaminated. The surge of illegal sales in анаболічні стероїди online has prompted the DEA to intensively monitor these sites due to the illegality of steroid distribution. Bodybuilders seeking pure Winstrol may find the internet a risky source due to the prevalence of fake products.


Originally developed by Winthrop laboratories in the 1960s, Winstrol is one of the earliest anabolic steroids approved for medical use, primarily indicated for treating hereditary angioedema. It has been explored for highly resistant anemia cases and weight loss in HIV patients. Historically, the intramuscular variant was used for livestock weight enhancement but is now scarce, largely due to misuse and associated side effects.

Дозування в медицині

The intramuscular Winstrol formulation is employed to boost livestock weight, while for humans, oral tablets are available. Standard treatment for hereditary angioedema involves a dosage of 2 mg three times daily for 1-3 months, typically without severe side effects. Anabolic benefits manifest within 3-4 weeks, with some mild androgenic effects at elevated doses.

Побічні ефекти

As with any anabolic steroid, Winstrol may lead to side effects, though these are infrequently observed and often well-tolerated. Common issues include:

  • жовтяниця
  • некроз печінки - часто
  • rare liver cancers
  • атрофія яєчок
  • зниження лібідо
  • mood swings, including depression and insomnia
  • nausea and diarrhea
  • гінекомастія
  • deepening of voice in females
  • hair thinning
  • increased hair growth in females
  • утримання рідини
  • elevated blood sugar
  • lowered HDL cholesterol

While most effects will reverse post-use, some virilizing changes in women may become permanent. It’s crucial for any user to have their liver function regularly assessed, given the potential for severe liver damage.


Winstrol usage is contraindicated in individuals with:

  • рак молочної залози у чоловіків
  • рак простати
  • females with breast cancer or hypercalcemia
  • pregnant women
  • allergic reactions to steroids

Dosage for Bodybuilders

Popular among bodybuilders for its ability to promote weight gain and enhance exercise performance, stanozolol effectively increases lean mass while minimizing water retention. Medical advice typically recommends 2-6 mg daily, but bodybuilders often exceed this, with doses ranging up to 50-100 mg/day. The injectable form may be administered at around 50 mg/day into the buttocks, with site rotation necessary to prevent complications. The injectable product can appear milky due to microcrystals, and discerning fakes can be challenging. Most users cycle stanozolol 1-2 months before competitions, ceasing administration 2-3 weeks prior to avoid detection. Notably, improvements in muscle mass and exercise performance often become noticeable within weeks, although higher doses do not equate to better results. Limiting usage to 4-6 weeks is recommended, with cycling to other drugs like Masteron and Equipose favored by some athletes.


Stanozolol attracts female users due to its potent anabolic effects and limited androgenic activity, reducing virilizing risks. However, prolonged high doses can lead to irreversible masculinization.


Winstrol is a banned substance across all major sports organizations, with detection windows extending 5-7 days post-use. Numerous athletes mistakenly believe that their use can escape notice post a two-week washout period, yet current testing can find metabolites for up to two months. Widespread anabolic steroid use among bodybuilders is often influenced by peers rather than scientific guidance.

Cost and Availability

Numerous online platforms claim to sell Winstrol but carry significant risks given DEA oversight. The most frequently available formulation in the USA is sourced from Thailand, with smuggled products from Mexico, Russia, and Europe. Injectable variants may also be illicitly procured from veterinary suppliers. Pricing varies, with oral tablets averaging $2 each, or approximately $150-$200 for 200 pills. Purchasing from credible dealers is essential for authentic product assurance.


Winstrol is classified as a schedule III substance under the Controlled Substance Act, necessitating a physician’s prescription for legal acquisition. Possession, sale, or distribution can result in severe penalties, reflective of growing concerns over steroid-related abuses and fatalities. Physicians often hesitate to prescribe Winstrol due to associated risks, which may jeopardize their medical license.

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10 ml









30 - 50 mg на день

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1 день

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Eurochem StanoJect 50 10 ml vial (50 mg/ml) EXPIRATION Eurochem StanoJect 50 10 ml vial (50 mg/ml) EXPIRATION
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