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Thaiger Pharma Remastril 100 10ml vial (100 mg/ml) EXPIRATION: Thaiger Pharma Remastril 100 mg/ml for muscle gain.

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Дростанолон пропіонат - Мастерон

Masteron, once a favored anabolic steroid among bodybuilders, was produced by a European pharmaceutical company until concerns over toxicity and widespread abuse prompted its discontinuation nearly two decades ago. The drug has since vanished from legitimate markets, and its availability on the black market remains suspect, particularly since Sarva Syntex halted its production over ten years ago. While Masteron can gradually increase muscle mass and promote a positive nitrogen balance within a 4-6 week timeframe, it’s important to note that it does not aromatize to estrogen, making it a preferred choice over some other анаболічні стероїди. Despite this, high doses can lead to conversion into estrogen, with potential side effects like breast enlargement and water retention. Masteron has never been approved for clinical use due to these safety concerns, although it was explored as a treatment for resistant anemia and significant weight loss in HIV patients in Europe.


For bodybuilders, Masteron was traditionally used to regain and maintain weight, utilizing its androgenic properties to enhance mass. However, its effects are less pronounced compared to нандролон або вінстрол. Typically, bodybuilders would administer the drug leading up to competitions, ceasing two weeks prior to the event. However, modern detection methods can now identify the substance even a month later. Many athletes have reported minimal effects from Masteron, attributing part of the ineffectiveness to the quality of available formulations. Since its legal production has ceased, much of what is available is produced in non-regulated labs, leading to an increase in counterfeit products.


No oral forms of Masteron exist; it is typically injected at a dosage of 100 mg every other day, with some users opting for daily doses. Injections are mainly targeted in the buttocks but can be painful with frequent use, making it advisable to rotate injection sites weekly. Some bodybuilders recommend higher doses of 200-500 mg per week, though any suggested dosage is based on anecdotal evidence rather than formal medical guidelines. The outer thigh is another common injection site, but due to rapid absorption, Masteron has a short half-life due to hepatic breakdown. It is often cycled with other анаболічні стероїди, including Winstrol or Anavar, and sometimes Clomid during the drug’s washout phase. Experts generally recommend limiting Masteron use to 3-4 weeks to mitigate potential negative effects.

Побічні ефекти

Side effects associated with Masteron are minimal and rare, provided the product is authentic. Users generally report few negative reactions, which is atypical for an anabolic steroid. Commonly reported side effects include:

  • втома
  • випадіння волосся
  • mental changes—anxiety, aggression, depression
  • acne or oily skin
  • загальна втома

Most adverse effects dissipate after discontinuation of the drug. Women should exercise caution, as Masteron can produce significant virilizing effects, some of which may be irreversible even post-use.


Finding authentic Masteron is challenging, and its black market price is notably high. Various online sellers claim to offer genuine Masteron, with vials of 100 mg ranging from $25 to $30. However, analyses often reveal these products to be counterfeit, typically containing little more than olive oil and unknown substances. In the USA, smuggled Masteron is often sourced from regions like Mexico, Thailand, and the Far East, raising concerns about its true formulation.


Masteron is prohibited by all major sporting organizations and is routinely tested for in urine analyses. Advanced detection techniques can trace its presence up to 3-4 weeks post last administration.


Under the Controlled Substances Act, Masteron is classified as a schedule 3 drug, making its possession illegal.

Заключне слово

Thorough research indicates that the authentic Masteron is likely nonexistent. For those serious about building their physique, seeking more reliable alternatives is advisable—save your money for proven products.

Додаткова інформація
Розмір упаковки

10 ml







300 - 600 mg на тиждень

Діюча речовина

Дростанолон пропіонат

Період напіврозпаду

4,5 дні

Закінчення терміну дії


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Thaiger Pharma Remastril 100 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml) EXPIRATION Thaiger Pharma Remastril 100 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml) EXPIRATION
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